I first came across this album as part of my ill-fated membership in the BMG Music Club when I was 16. I selected it because it contained the hit of the moment “One Headlight”, however it quickly grew to a place of honor in my CD collection. I listened to it all the way through over and over, which is something I don’t generally do to most disks.
However, like many other things as I moved to college it was lost. It made a brief appearance one Spring Break when I was home from school and decided to put all of my purchased CDs (remember, ripping CDs was nice and “legal” back then) in a box after I pulled them down to MP3.
A few hard drives later, all of that music was lost and so was the box that contained the physical copies. I was very surprised one winter evening, when my cousin came over and said “hey, remember The Wallflowers? I just found this CD out in the snow. You want it?” It wasn’t my copy, but it played through track 9 (of 11). That copy has resided in the visor of my car since then, and I was always secretly frustrated that I couldn’t listen to the whole thing because of the scratches wrought on its surface.
While we were driving to Chicago this weekend, Tasha and I were listening to one of my favorite songs from the album (Bleeders, for the curious) and she recommended that I hop on iTunes when I get back to see if I could get a replacement.
Clearly, this album has been overlooked by the fickle society of today and was priced at a paltry $7.99. I have a digital replacement now, physical disks will follow shortly to replace my poor maligned car copy.
For the record, this blog post was inspired by
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