Well, I am sad to report that no options materialized for getting my pool table moved. The professional movers called me up on Saturday saying that they couldn’t move the table for fear of damaging either the table or the surroundings, so I went back to my coworker and asked for my money back.
She agreed, but read me a minor riot act when I actually went to get the money back from her today. I had a hard time undertanding her, as I often do, but the gist of it was: 1.) her husband was mad at her for asking for the money back, 2.) they were left with only 2.5 weeks to sell the table, 3.) why did it take two weeks to get estimates to move the thing, and 4.) no, they didn’t want any money to make up for the lost time. So basically, she wanted to give me some of the grief she had to feel for getting my money back.
I’m not very upset about it because I made my best effort to get that pool table moved, having called two movers to get their opinions. With a refusal from the professional and a less-than-solid feeling from the other, I didn’t want to risk damaging both my pool table and their house which is still on the market. I don’t really understand her husband’s anger… really he should be glad I didn’t just try to get it moved and have it bark up their walls/stairs/etc. If they were smart, they would just ask the buyer for an extra $500 for the pool set to be included with the house.
In the end, I regain my $150 and some perspective on the hassles of moving a used pool table. My lovely wife has agreed to let me shop for a new pool table and see what I can find. That way they can handle the delivery cost/hassles.
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