This morning, we all agreed it was time to get back on our kata goals.
After Garls left us, he started working on Gankaku. He was working on the application of the jumping double front kick by kicking the mats that are attached to the stage. At one point, he decided to try it as the kata is done and got more air than he was used to. Both his feet went out from under him and he hit the ground flat on his back with a brilliant THUD, Home Alone style. He landed primarily on his elbow and it was already starting to bruise before we left. He’s going to be sore tomorrow.
Kudos to my good buddy
Also, for those reading: I have completed CDs with Sensei Quinn’s photos, movies, and the mp3 of the Dojo Kun. I have four left from the first batch if anyone wants a copy, I’ll have them with me on Wednesday.
Sochin Counter
Accomplished / Goal == Percent Complete
859 / 2000 == 42.95%
Average Kata per Workout: 14.08
Estimated Workouts Remaining: 82
Workouts that gained more than 1%: 21
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