Backup arrives!
Today, my cousin and brother-in-law showed up to help. My Dad had to work, but we succeded in hanging the major stretches of chain link and driving the posts for the double-swing gates that Norman suggested. By the end of the day, the only tasks we have left are hanging the double-swing gate and front gate and stretching the short sections of chain link between the 1 5/8″ line posts that we don’t have the appropriate hardware for.
My brother-in-law is well versed in fitting brackets and plates because he custom builds low riding tricyles. He was able to bend the crap out of the 1 3/16″ fittings to make them somewhat workable, but the rain stopped me from actually testing their worth by spreading some chain link between them.
We’re supposed to go to my sister’s house tomorrow, but hopefully we can get mostly finished tomorrow. We made a lot of progress today and hopefully it’ll be done by the end of the coming weekend. w00t!
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