The Sochin goal marches onward, I am at 1005 of 2000, or 50.25%. I’m feeling pretty good about my progress here, but it will be hard work getting the other half this year. I remember at the start of this year doing 10 Sochin kata in a row was extreme effort, and now we are regularly doing at least 15, oftentimes 20 kata. That amount of progress itself feels good and makes the effort worthwhile.
Part of this post was spurred by my parents, as my Mom talked about Oprah’s Debt Diet series that they ran last week. This reminded me of my own goal to eliminate debt this year, so I figured it was time for an update on this front. Tasha and I have eliminated 23.92% of our credit card debt. Things have been going somewhat slow lately with Teddy’s illness and some other incidental bills, but we are still making positive progress. I can honestly say that I never expected to be this far along at this point in the year. Taking the time to audit ones finances and watch where money is going is really helpful… Tasha and I are starting to plan for Christmas and we intend to continue making good progress into next year.
I may do these goal update posts a little more frequently, but because I am tracking my Sochin goal progress in each karate post and my financial goal doesn’t change *that* much month over month I may continue to space them out a little. We will see how things go!
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