I have received the following email from PayPal resolution center! I win! Woohoo! Even if they are not able to recover any cash from this guy, this should be enough to get Discover to overturn the charge! w00000t!
We have determined that you may be eligible for a refund on this PayPal
transaction. To qualify for a refund, just return the item in its original
condition to the seller. (You are responsible for shipping and handling
costs for the returned merchandise.) The amount you will be eligible to
receive is determined by the terms of our buyer protection policies and we
may be unable to make a full recovery of your payment from the seller.
Please review the buyer protection policies in our User Agreement before
shipping the item back to the seller.
Please log in and provide tracking information for the item you are
returning within 10 calendar days. The seller will also receive the
tracking information for this item. When the shipment is verified by
PayPal, the refund will be issued to you. If you do not provide this
information to PayPal, the investigation will end and the claim will be
You may also choose to cancel this claim if you wish to work directly with
the seller to resolve this issue.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Protection Services Department
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