We missed you today. How’s the hindquarters? Hopefully you didn’t blow out your tire too badly…
Where the answer is almost always 42.
We missed you today. How’s the hindquarters? Hopefully you didn’t blow out your tire too badly…
Today was earmarked for our second 100 Sochin workout attempt. I was a bit late arriving, around quarter after, and I was surprised to see our very own Turner-san was there! He’s back in action after his double lung transplant and looking great. So great, in fact, he finally got the chance to kick me […]
Tonight’s workout was quite interesting… when Dad and I arrived early, Valle Vista was completely blocked off because some jackasses had decided to cut down two of the giant trees that line that street. Giant, majestic trees that have probably been here longer that the people that settled this state cut down for no apparent […]
How White and Nerdy Are You?
Tonight’s workout was interesting… the pre-workout consisted of Dad and I working largely on his 2nd kyu test basics, which he correctly maintains we don’t do enough of. We muddled through a handful of Bassai Dai (around 4-5, I think) and then it was time for class to start. I did manage to sneak in […]
Before the demonstration, , Dad and I had a little impromptu workout at the YWCA. I got in 15 Sochin, several Jion and a Bassai Dai before we were ousted by the Silver Sneakers senior workout group. We had a somewhat smaller than normal turnout at the Mapleton demonstration this year, but we still had […]
I got through 15 Sochin before class started on Thursday. After that, we proceeded into a long practice session for the demo. I helped with some footwork for the front kick board break demonstration, but aside from that it was demo business as usual. and I worked on what was going to happen during the […]
Modern, Cool Nerd 65 % Nerd, 91% Geek, 30% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one. A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions. You scored […]
Tonight was interesting… I knocked out 13 Sochin before class started, and was then told to lead the first class. Since I had all of 30 seconds of time to prepare, I decided to shoot from the hip. I decided to pick a few combinations found in the Heian katas and blow them out into […]
A few days ago, I struggled to get the latest incarnation of iTunes loaded on my laptop. Last week I did a spyware scan and cut a little too deep so it is difficult to tell what of my problems were caused by this circumstance, but I did have problems with the installation. It would […]