Here is the video from this weekend’s workout. I am glad that given the lack of energy my body can still put together a decent Sochin kata. I’ve identified a few areas to work on for my last 149 kata.
I need to tighten up my high-low blocks. I appear to be leading with my fist, which gives the block some room to wiggle and look like I’m holding a 5 lb weight in my hand.
I need to feel like I’m squeezing my center in the opening area of the kata. Right now it’s like a slowing to an artificial “robotic” stop and I want to squeeze at the end of each of my techniques in order to give it the polish that it deserves.
I need to lower my stance, I don’t know if this was due to fatigue in this video or not, but it was too high during this attempt.
Those are the big ones, we’ll hit it hard again tonight to see how things fall out!
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