Being the bad son that I am, I neglected to mention on Friday that it was ‘s birthday! Happy Birthday, Dad, sorry we were too snowed in to get over to see you!
Where the answer is almost always 42.
Being the bad son that I am, I neglected to mention on Friday that it was ‘s birthday! Happy Birthday, Dad, sorry we were too snowed in to get over to see you!
Tonight I decided to get adventurous between rounds of Bookworm Adventures and prepare my Beef and Broccoli recipe for consumption tomorrow night. I thawed, trimmed, and thin sliced my round steak then set myself to the interesting task of preparing the marinade. The concoction is now resting in my refrigerator and will enter the final […]
Snow Teddy 2 – Arctic Bugaloo Originally uploaded by dalcher. Tasha caught this excellent shot of Teddy bounding over a snowbank this afternoon. It is interesting how a little frozen water can turn a generally lazy 6 year old dog into a bouncing little puppy again.