Sochin Goal – Achieved!
As my previous post indicates, I did very well on my Sochin resolution. I was able to achieve my goal of 2000 Sochin in November, after only 10 months of effort (my goal began on 1/21/06, so there’s still a little time left). It was a wonderful exercise in diving deeply into a subject and really working hard at it, however to be quite honest I was very burned out on Sochin when I crossed that 2000 mark.
As previously mentioned, I have improved that number to 2094 as of this writing. I intend to get to 2100 by the time the 21st of January shows up.
Debt Repayment Goal – In Progress
Tasha and I made significant strides this year in eliminating high interest debt. I am both proud and pleased to post the following chart, which depicts a 27.96% reduction in our overall high interest debt. We have paid off (and subsequently cancelled) four credit cards this year, with only a few larger balance ones remaining.
The rise that you see in September is due to the catastrophic failure of our old refrigerator. As you can see, we were able to get that thing paid off in December and things evened out in our favor.
Thanks to a home refinance payout (done largely to reduce our PMI payment, as instructed by our mortgage lender) we have direct line of sight to large amounts of progress on this front in January. These strides would’ve been reflected in this year’s data, however payment due dates are going to make the actual posting of the payments fall into next year.
I did not set out at the beginning of this one to finish it in a year, so it will definitely continue into 2007. I have adjusted the worksheet to graph overall progress as well as just 2007 progress.
Special thanks go to my wife for having dedication to this cause. It has been hard to be careful about our spending and be honest about what we need and what we want, but she has been a real trooper throughout the whole process.
Also, thanks go out to
I will post my goals for 2007 soon!
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