This post has been locked down to only those of you that expressly knew where we were staying before we went. Enjoy!!
Unfortunately, we got part of the way down the road before we realized that I had left the camera at the house so everyone must be subjected to some crappy 35 mm disposable shots… these are the ones that were salvageable from the roll, I will not be held responsible for graininess or other craptitude.
Here is the hot tub view, complete with relatively creepy genie. He was high enough in the corner that you didn’t really notice that he was there most of the time, but I did jump several times when I caught sight of him in the mirror.
A better shot of the hot tub… this was MUCH nicer than I expected given the tiny pictures on the website. It was clean and huge, however the jets did lack a little pressure control but that was A-OK.
This is the dry bar that was to the left of the bed if you were looking into the rest of the room. You can see the refrigerator is pretty nice, and the Diet Coke box lends that “we wuz here” quality to the picture. The barstools were substantial despite the appearance that they were hastily constructed.
The giant octagonal bed… there was a really, REALLY cool starlight effect on the ceiling of the entire room, you can see that some of the flash has reflected onto the walls in this shot. The bed was very comfortable and had a plethora of various pillows. We actually coined the term “a flop” of pillows to describe the overall effect.
The view from the bed. You can see the curtains, and this is the only shot in which the palm trees can be seen… the rest were too darkly lit to turn out. The desert scene on the walls was extraordinarily cool, this shot looks especially neat because of the way the flash is reflecting off of the mirrored ceiling.
To the left of the bed, just before the entrance to the sauna was this really neat magic carpet.
There was a big keyhole window in the sauna that allowed you to see through into the shower area but none of my pictures of that turned out. Keep your comments to yourself, Dave.
The shower itself was a RainDancer shower, which was basically like getting (pleasantly) hit by a dozen small temperature controlled hoses all at different angles. And it put out a LOT of water. It really was a lot better than I thought it would be.
Ted’s Garage, where we ate two of the three meals that we had in Clinton. The food here is UNREAL and they have some cool classic cars in there.
Here are the two of us after a relaxing weekend, eating brunch at Ted’s. I highly recommend this as a quick, relatively inexpensive weekend getaway.
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