I had a pretty bad headache most of the day today, so I wasn’t looking forward to karate tonight. The first class was pretty rough for me… it was a fairly basic class but I just couldn’t get my body to connect up correctly. Toward the end of the first class my headache was starting to go away, and I’m happy to say that I felt much more “in my own skin” for the second class.
The second class we did some really good sparring drills. We took turns doing one-time attack, following it with increasing mounts of counter-attacks. The last drill that we did was the best though… it took each block counter and added a pause in between to allow your partner to actually respond with enough time to tell what he was doing. I got to do this drill with both Garls-san and
I realized that for reasons unknown I have a subconscious desire to move backwards… I did it a few times with
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