During the non-karate time this weekend (I need to figure out a common term for time spent outside karate, comment with ideas), we finished clearing out my grandparents belongings from their house.
We laid claim to any of the items that they could not bring with them (at their request, of course)… I ended up with a small riding lawnmower, a giant steel clamp that probably weighs 40 pounds, and an old welcome mat that they used to have at their camper when I was a kid. I certainly wasn’t going to let some random family enjoy the faded glory of its “KEEP ON CAMPING” message… as a kid I used to sit on the front step and pick at one of the flat cut plastic pine trees when there was nothing else exciting to do at the camp ground.
The rest of the weekend was taken up with normal pursuits… D&D, Family Dinner at my parents house, and a visit to my cousins house. I would love to say it was relaxing, but it really wasn’t. Relaxing would’ve been doing a bit more sleeping and loafing around the house, unfortunately not much of either got done.
Hopefully this week will mark a return to normalcy for me… regular karate… more sane work hours… we’ll see how impossible of a dream this is around Wednesday. 🙂
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