There is a specific television commercial that got my wife and I talking… it was for a Psychic Connection service, that provided ten minutes with “one of 120 gifted specialists” for $10. For this $10, you gained concrete insights into whatever you want… relationships, money, etc.
This raises many questions:
1.) How do you select a locale from which to host your call center where you require a certain level of psychic gift as a prerequisite for employment? I mean, you can’t just plop down in any ol’ city and expect that you will be able to attract a specific number (like 120) psychicly gifted people… can you?
2.) What is the interview process like for this type of position? Does the interviewer require a face-to-face interview, or can they tell from your resume alone what type of psychic gift you have? Take me for example… working with my customers requires many ranks in mind reading, divination, and voodoo. My resume should reflect this, but would that suffice? Or will I have to show up there and have some lady in a bandanna and large hoop earrings grab me by the face to determine how much psychic energy I’m putting out? Because I guarantee you I’m not going to let that happen. Again.
3.) Finally… what is a group of psychics all in one place called?
Anyway… if you want, give me a call and I’ll tell you your future. I’ll even do it for the bargain rate of $5 for 10 minutes, so long as there is lunch involved. I see… myself sitting next to a quiet phone. I really am psychic, see?
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