Tonight’s workout was fantastic. It started off reminiscent of Thursday’s workout, only the dial was turned up to 11. The warmups already had me seeing sparklies, but I made it through. The whole first class was gutting out basics, over and over again. It seemed somehow less strenuous than Thursday and Saturday’s efforts, but I could tell from sheer numbers that we were doing about the same amount of technique.
This indicates to me several things: I am learning how to relax and I am getting stronger. There is an outside chance that I am just doing crap technique, but I think most everyone’s technique turns to crap after one does hundreds in a row. By the end of the first class, we had generated enough condensation to cause a few of the brown belts to wimp out after the first class. I derided a few of them for leaving and I only feel marginally bad for having done so… to my mind there are certain limits that you must actively stretch and try to overcome, and if you just want to throw up your hands because you’re too hot, or tired, or (INSERT REASON HERE) you will probably earn a few comments from those who stay.
There were plenty of people left to play with for the first class, which made me happy…
Speaking of coming out stronger, I had the distinct pleasure of accompanying
War wounds, gotta love that.
Even though the workouts are brutal, I want to continue down this path. I can’t imagine the unspeakable level that we will attain with regular workouts like this. I already feel like I am able to control those rabid feelings that I get when I spar much, much more. Tonight it was getting to the point of being aware and using them to my advantage, but as
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