The Cheat isn’t feeling so good. I went to clean their cages tonight and I heard a “stomach growling” noise coming from his cage. I took him out, and found that he had a little matted area near his behind.
And he was emitting said stomach growling sounds. I did some checking online, and that usually indicates some sort of a intestinal problem. The website said to present him with a pile of leafy greens, so a quick trip to Kroger’s later he has said pile.
We found a site that recommended abdominal massage to help them get moving again, so we did that for quite awhile and immediately after we put him back in the cage he went right for the lettuce so it must’ve helped a little. It was pretty neat though, you could hear a blortchy gassy sound in his stomach as Tasha massaged him gently. He was very content through it all and didn’t make any distressed noises, so we think that helped.
He’s still hopping around in a mostly happy fashion, however his appetite for his treats was not present tonight. Since he’s eating the lettuce they say that should help things out, and if it doesn’t go away soon he’ll be heading to the vet. I hope he gets better on his own.
Any of you bunny lovers out there have any further advice on the situation? Might be looking at you,
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