Company Man
Originally uploaded by dalcher.
Monday night, Tasha and I were watching Heroes. Shortly thereafter, I was told by my wife: “Stop looking so serious! You remind me of Thompson from Heroes!”
For those of you that don’t know, Thompson is played by Eric Roberts. “But he’s old!”, I exclaimed. “Well… maybe a young Eric Roberts.” she said.
Fast forward to tonight. The room had become dark, and I noticed that the laptop had started casting weird moody shadows on my hands. With my camera nearby, I decided to try to capture “serious Josh” on digital film to see what she was talking about.
I can *kind’ve* see what she means. Even though, I still think I’m a long was from Craggy McOldPants up there. I’d love to have one day of interest on his bank account, I can tell you that for sure.
After hearing of my plight, the Former Miss
Tasha’s response: “Oh God, no!”
Despite all this overwhelming praise, I did manage to get one shot tonight that looked totally awesome. I can’t wait until I have a good camera!
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