I spent Monday in Chicago on business, so today was a complete loss when it comes to productivity. In fact, I had to stay a few hours after in order to get some things accomplished that I needed for later on this week. No fun.
However, I had a development session interrupted this afternoon by
In other news, my Saturn decided that the alarm system doesn’t want to arm anymore. On Sunday night (around 11 pm) the car decided to blare the alarm for around 20 minutes with no provocation. It took several iterations of stopping and restarting the car to get the alarm to shut up, so I will be taking it back to the dealership on Saturday to have it checked out. “I would pro bono it,” the service technician said, “but electrical problems can be tricky so we’ll see.” Luckily, his manager is the one on the service desk on Saturday so if they try to charge me they’ll have another thing coming. They’ll probably try to charge me, and I’ll probably swear at them but then relent like I always do. At least I’ll get some frustration out.
Also, yesterday was my sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Ains!
That’s about all that is going on with me lately, I sorely missed karate tonight. With any amount of luck I’ll make it both Thursday and Saturday so at least I will be able to get two in. I hate it when life gets busy.
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