Tuesday night, I was late getting to class due to work. The second class was primarily spent sparring, and I gave and received several lumps. Among the highlights… I landed a jumping backfist on Dobbleaire-san, to wit he replied that
Another highlight was when
The final highlight that I will illuminate from Tuesday was fantastic timing on the part of Garls-san. He hit me in the stomach right as I tried to evade, for some reason with a soft stomach. It hurt, but the timing was so good that I didn’t care. Luckily Saturday’s workout has helped to address what I did wrong. More on that in a few minutes.
Saturday’s workout was an asskicker, plain and simple. When Dad and I arrived, Erbe, Garls, and
While we were doing that, the rest of the group broke out the bungee cords, which they tied to the doors and did inward block reverse punch. I missed out on that combination, but we caught up with the rest of the group in time for front kick and roundhouse kick. We did each kick 20 times, stepping back after the first ten and forward for the last ten.
Then came the squatting combinations. Up the bleachers with kicks. Then squat/jump combinations, where we stepped with a punching combination to the angles after each jump. Those are what got me, my body hurts all over today as a result.
After that terror, we moved on to sparring combinations that focused on moving to the angles. It seems that I have incorrectly assumed that moving to the angles required full steps of motion. With a few tweaks, a lot of this moving to the corners stuff started working if I focused on hip motion and flow of techniques instead of foot movement. Aside from majorly sore muscles, this was my takeaway from the workout.
Also, look out world, I’m learning how to foot sweep.
That is all.
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