Well, it appears that the migration to a new hosting provider is going very smoothly. It appears that the name servers got switched over sometime this afternoon and the site is starting to propagate around the globe via our new hosts, the illustrious DreamHost.
My previous hosting providers, SiteTurn Networks (who I won’t even dignify with a link) are pieces of crap. Their servers and control panels were very good (until I saw DreamHost) but their customer service performs best as some infernal torment for those that cling to Microsoft products, are programming language zealots, or anyone who likes leaving a voicemail for a supervisor named Hassib and never getting called back. Well, they would be a paradise for people that like that last one.
I actually told the guy on the phone today that he can let Hassib know that they have taken the gold crown for the worst service I’ve ever experienced, and I worked at a McDonalds for several years. As soon as all of these domain transfer tasks complete, I’m done with them.
DreamHost, on the other hand, appears to live up to their names. Inside of one hour response times EVERY TIME, pleasant and helpful support staff that aren’t named Hassib, and a control panel that continues to amaze me.
If anyone out there in movieland needs web hosting, go to DreamHost. Their prices are competitive and their services are top notch. Special thanks to
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