Saturday brought a fun day of cleaning up after the dog. It appears that he has some sort of infection that is causing him to want to pee *everywhere*. Interestingly, he’s in pretty good spirits, but we have to be very receptive when he’s making the motion like he wants to go outside.
Most of Saturday morning was spent trying to find a vet that had an opening, but we were unsuccessful. So we’re going to take him in sometime this week to get checked on, today he seems to be doing somewhat better.
I need to figure out what takes the dog pee smell out of carpeting, because let me tell you it is STRONG for some reason. Phew. I did get a pretty fun picture of Teddy last night, I’ll post that up if I get some time.
The rest of my weekend has been spent being a Harry Potter widower, left to my own devices while Tasha reads The Deathly Hallows. As if Fate was watching out for me, I received my Nintendo DS modchip and have been spending my weekend getting various homebrew apps working. So far I can now run Linux on there, use it as a MythTV Remote (sooooo cool), and connect to it with my laptop via FTP. I’ve just scratched the surface of what homebrew can do, but it has been fun so far.
Strangely, I’m not even that interested in the abilities that I would have to emulate games or play backups. I really like being able to code for the Nintendo DS and have it work! It can also act as a video or mp3 player in this mode as well, so that will be fun once I get around to it.
I think I’m going to head out shooting for awhile so Tasha can get through the last half of her book in peace. My P22 came back from the shop and I’m eager to get a few rounds through it now to see how it acts now that it has a new barrel.
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