Things have been extremely busy lately. Work has been almost completely haywire, which has caused the sharp decline in my karate related blogs but that is all going to change soon.
I had a conversation with my team leaders today about managing my workload better so I can leave the office in enough time to make it to practice again. In the meantime, I have been starting a regiment of a little training on the nights that I can’t make it to the dojo. I’ve been doing pretty good at it… a little stance training, some choko-tsuki in place, sparring with my cousin’s kids (they’re 4 and 6 years old, yeah, yeah, have fun with that one
I’ve been over to see my niece several times in the last week, she’s still adorable and my sister and brother-in-law are still doing great!
Hopefully I will have a karate story for tomorrow!
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