This is normally the time of the week when I start checking my email and caring about what Monday’s workload is going to bring, but not today!! Tomorrow marks the start of a week without work for me, thanks to my three remaining vacation days!
What are my plans, you ask? NOTHING important! Last year at this time, I was cleaning my house to prepare it for refinancing. That was a good way to waste a vacation and feel like utter crap on the other side of your time off. This time I have a few chores to do around the house, but that’s about it.
Today is somewhat of a special day… eleven years ago, Tasha and I started going out together! We decided to play it low-key this year and go out to lunch at Steak and Shake, one of the first haunts of our dating years together. I’m lucky to have her!
My cousin will be coming over in a bit to throw darts and hang out, so I’d better be off!
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