Tonight’s workout was quite interesting… we began class with a focus on basic technique, but it quickly turned into a workout about distance and basic sparring. I got across from one of Lawrence-san’s kids and had to strain to get low enough in stance to be able to block his attacks. He was really into it and doing a good job though, and can already throw a pretty mean reverse punch.
In between classes, Lawrence-san and I tried to muddle through Unsu and got horribly lost. We didn’t quite make it through before second class started.
The second class was a warmup of sparring combinations, and then some work on those combinations with partners. I had the good fortune to be across from Sensei Brewer, and got a master class on side kick and back kick in the process. I have really been neglecting back kick lately, it strikes me that I can’t really throw a consistent coherent back kick without it becoming a side kick, and my targeting is WAY off.
This will probably be something to go on the list to work on in 2008, along with a half dozen other things. I’m looking forward to having some concrete goals to look forward to in 2008, hopefully I’ll get a few kindred spirits to take on the task with me like we did last year.
Oh yeah… I’m quite proud to say that this is the second workout running when I’ve been able to stay up in hovers the entire interval without wussing out. w00t!
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