This week I’ve been that special brand of busy that usually proceeds the holidays. I procrastinated and put off baking pumpkin pies (one for my grandma’s birthday party tomorrow night and the other for a work potluck tomorrow), spent a bit of time helping Tasha remember addresses for Christmas cards, and the tree STILL isn’t decorated satisfactorily.
Since we’re done Christmas shopping now, we might take Saturday night to get the tree decorated and maybe relax with a movie or dinner out somewhere just to take the edge off of this extra holiday effort. Right now motivation levels have been at an all time low around here, both in and out of the office.
I actually have some time to code slotted for tomorrow so hopefully that will kick me out of this unproductive and unmotivated rut, but I somehow doubt it. I still have a lot to accomplish in the office next week, and I have a feeling my time will once again be at a premium despite my best efforts to focus on required tasks. We’ll see how that goes!
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