This weekend seemed to go by in a flash. We spent some time shopping today, and thanks to The Grocery Game it was quite economical. We got turned on to this website by my cousin, who was needing to optimize his grocery budget because he is going to school and currently not working.
The gist of it is that the website helps you track the coupons that go into the weekly circulars at local stores, then it tracks that against national averages for price and lets you know when the really good bargains hit. It combines coupons from various sources to get you the best deal, and it does pretty well. We have had several clerks ask us where we come up with all these manufacturer coupons, one guy at Walgreens always marvels at how well we do.
It’s one of the nice steps to living frugally that we have found in the last few years, and those of you that live for bargains can understand why this is fun. 🙂
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