I neglected my Perfect Pushup routine last night, so I elected to throw in with my good buddy
Class tonight was sparsely attended. There were four yellow belts,
The second class was a master’s class on moving to the angles, distancing, and timing. We simply did one time attack working on cutting to a greater than 30 degree angle and doing a rear leg front kick as a counter attack. At first, the attacker just did a lunge punch to the front straight ahead so we could get the feeling. Later on, they were allowed to follow us, forcing us to really work at getting out of the way.
Finally, they were allowed to attack again after the front kick counter, which required us to move again at the angle to prevent getting smacked by an errant lunge punch. Just doing simple techniques like this focusing on footwork, counterattack timing, and distance was remarkably rewarding and I think we need to focus on this on Saturday mornings for awhile.
Simple attacks, very little fancy additions… just repetition until we figured things out. Quality!
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