The process of breaking in my Xbox 360 is going well. I have to say, Halo 3 is a thing of beauty. It has awakened a long latent set of coding in my DNA: that, when stimulated causes a hypnotic state known as Gamer’s Trance.
Those suffering from Gamer’s Trance experience a dreamlike, blackout state which makes hours pass in what seems like mere minutes. It was because of this horrible affliction that I was up until 4 am (yes, that’s right) yesterday morning playing.
I *think* I’m almost done with the single player game. I’ve played several rounds of deathmatch (which they call “Slayer” mode) with my friends and coworkers, and my skills are returning. I find maneuvering with the controller much more difficult than the keyboard/mouse combination of years past, but I am getting the hang of it. It reminds me of the good ol’ days of playing Half-Life with
I took the option tonight to turn off the console around midnight so I could do my evening wrap-up tasks and get to bed at a semi-reasonable time. It is pretty sad when 1:30 am is semi-reasonable. Oh well, more Halo beckons as the week rolls on!
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