Tonight’s workout was a butt-buster. First workout was Sensei Quinn working on good solid basic techniques. I got the good fortune to be next to a new student, the Dad of one our kids in the class. He did a very good job for his first workout and didn’t need much help at all.
For whatever reason, my straight punches felt VERY good tonight. As the class progressed, I noticed that as I added in stance and movement that much of the good feelings evaporated. I am not pushing off of the floor correctly, nor am I pulling with my legs enough.
I was tired, but not exhausted after the first class. I think the running on Saturday mornings have been doing me good. As the second class got underway, we opened by doing some combinations in sparring stance. I must’ve been doing one pretty well, because Sensei Brewer had me come out to do it in front of the class.
We ended up working into some 3-5 time drills, starting with basic 3-5 time attack. Sensei switched it up later by having us rotate partners, and then have one side be offensive and the other defensive but set up differently. In one instance, the offensive side was up against the wall and had to “push” the opponent back with strong technique. It is drills like that where I don’t like being up against large people. We switched again, this time the attacker was coming in toward the person against the wall. I fared marginally better during this drill, it was a lot of fun.
Finally, we made our way back into the middle of the room for some slow sparring. At one point I ended up against Sensei Quinn, and I knew trouble was brewing when he was calmly, lightly blocking my attacks. When I actually pushed through his guard to deliver a strong attack, like a whirlwind he sprung forth and unleashed a volley of controlled punches and kicks.
Once, I got in with my side thrust kick and I saw a moment of calm, followed by a white and pink blur as he charged in with enough authoritative reverse punches to pretty well end my days if he was mad at me. Thank God he’s not mad at me!
I did take a few lumps tonight, nothing too serious but I did take one in the chest and one in the same bruised ribs, albeit a bit lower (thankfully). A few Tylenol should clear that up for the evening! More good karate stuff on Thursday!
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