I woke up this morning to find a beautiful morning, so I elected to take some time to catch up on the extra yardwork that I’ve been putting off for awhile. Last night I got around to mowing my back yard, which was over knee high in some places. I edged it as much as possible with my string trimmer, until I ran out of string. I’ll have to go to Menards this weekend and get some more.
This morning, I attempted to use an old pressure-washer that my grandpa gave to my Dad, but I wasn’t able to muster much more than a half-Super-Soaker powered stream from it so I gave up and used my mini-firehose attachment. It worked pretty well, spraying off some of the flaky paint from my shed and causing a cascade of crap to come off my siding.
I wire brushed my shed, which is going to get a healthy coat of exterior grey and white to make it look better. As soon as it dries from being sprayed off, that is. Before and after pictures will be coming soon!
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