Tonight, Tasha and I went shopping for light fixtures. You see, one of the more irritating features of a home built in 1973 is that the light fixtures are… well… from 1973. As a result, many of them are worn, starting to break, or butt-ugly. Sometimes, all three.
My brother-in-law is good with such things, and after some budgeting and discussion we decided to part ways with $320 and buy seven new fixtures for our place, including a truly awesome chrome and white ceiling fan for our kitchen. I’m not entirely sure when he’s going to come over and help us install them, but I’m really looking forward to the updated look they will bring. We’re still looking for a light fixture for our foyer to replace The Orange Globe of Death and I want to shop a bit more before selecting new exterior fixtures, but we’re getting somewhere!
This week my “Honey Do” list consists of painting the basement ceiling and helping to prepare for our garage sale this weekend. There’s probably more, but I that’s what I remember right now!
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