Teddy’s got an advanced case of the barfies today. I woke up this morning to the sound of him throwing up in the hallway outside of our bedroom, and we found that he had peed on our landing. Again.
Throughout the course of the day, he threw up several more times. I called the emergency vet clinic and they thought it was due to us changing out Teddy’s food last week and that we should ration his food and water intake for a day or so, giving him smallish meals of easy to digest dog food.
He’s been laying listlessly in the kitchen for most of the night, I was surprised when I went petted him for awhile and he stood up quickly (immediately provoking my “lets go outside” proceedings to get him out of the house prior to explosion) and went over to his food bowl and ate the small amount of canned food we gave him.
So far, so good. He’s kept that down, had some water, and is now sleeping in the kitchen again. He just interrupted my post begging for more water, so I let him have a bit more. Now he’s licking his food bowl clean. So I think that means he’s feeling better, but time will tell.
I hate it when he’s sick, but I have to admit a fairly long day of cleaning up dog barf has not been the most fun thing in the world.
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