Originally uploaded by dalcher.
On Sunday, we went to let Teddy outside and saw this kindly fellow gnawing away on some weeds that had grown to proportional heights by my makiwara.
I grabbed my camera and got two shots off before he got spooked and hauled his groundhoggy behind out of the yard!
In other news, I have continued my epic struggle vs. my household today. I ducked out of work at 3:15 in order to open up the house for the garage door repairman, who showed up a fashionable hour late right in the middle of a conference call that I was dialed into. He worked his magic largely without any needs from me, so at least that wasn’t annoying.
I decided to grill out tonight, and while it was heating up I grabbed the tree limb cutter and started to town in the back corner of my lot. I removed the large proportion of the mini-trees that were growing up from the rocks, and thinned out the lilac bush significantly. I hated trimming it down so far, but 1/3 of it was hanging on my neighbor’s garage and I didn’t want it to stay that way. It should fill back in nicely.
This leaves me with a titanic pile of yard waste. There was so much of it that I elected just to chuck it in a pile on my unused planter, where it will remain until such a time that I can borrow my Dad’s truck and haul it to a dump or burn it or something of the sort.
I got to be marginally productive on the homefront tonight! woot!
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