Today’s task was the deck after all. Dad came up with a great idea to try sanding down the existing decking to see how it looked, so we made a trip over to A-Z Rental and got ourselves a drum sander. This went exceedingly well, until we hit a knot and barked up one of the screws that held the sandpaper down. What resulted was a random 1/4″ gouge in my deck.
In addition, the screw was damaged so badly we couldn’t get it off of there. Luckily, the guy from A-Z was very understanding and we left with a disk sander to finish the smaller parts of the deck with.
We made the decision shortly after the damage was done that we were likely going to putty and repaint the deck, for awhile it seemed like it might clean up well enough to stain. Realistically, I suppose it was asking a lot to expect an old deck made from 2×6’s and painted red to clean up well enough to stain respectably. It probably could, but its more work than I want to put into it.
At this point, repainting it so it looks as nice as possible is the path of least resistance. Tomorrow I will head out to Menards get some wood filler and pick out the new paint color. Tasha wrinkled her nose at repainting it red, but we’ll need a darker color to cover the areas where the old paint was being stubborn. I’m sure we’ll come up with something!
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