Today was a rather busy one at the office, as we had a new guy join our team and it was my job (in part) to help train him up around my normal work load. He was very capable, so that didn’t take an extraordinary amount of effort, but I did find that my energy levels were flagging by the time 2 pm or so rolled around.
Tasha had to visit the chiropractor tonight, since we are continuing to car pool I had to drive her up there. Along the way, she noticed that I was nearing the bottom of my tank of gas so it was time to do the first hypermiling check-out.
I filled up for 9.60 gallons of gas, and my odometer was reading 289.9 miles on the tank. If my math is right (and that’s a big if, as Scarab pointed out a few days ago) I ended up with 289.9 miles / 9.6 gallons == 30.19 miles to the gallon. This is a mixture of highway and city miles, however it trended more toward city miles since its normally my “to and from work” drive. Pretty respectable performance for a 9 year old car.
Happily, it is time for an oil change. I’m going to have them change the air filter and do the normal tune-up things that they’re supposed to do, I will be curious to see if this affects my mileage at all.
Either way, eventually we made it home after Tasha’s adjustment. We had some dinner, and I found myself struggling to stay awake on the couch so eventually I headed upstairs for an hour and a half nap. That was five hours ago, and I’m just now getting back up. This seems counter-intuitive, since I’ve done less physical activity today than I have all week. I should be LESS tired.
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