I look back at the pockmarked August calendar and realize that my blogging goal was shot to hell by many factors, most of which being GenCon this month. I re-commit myself to success for September Blog Posting Month, wherein I will return to my daily posting regiment.
I will be enjoying my Labor Day in many ways… finishing this beer, painting my deck, stripping wallpaper, and various other household chores. We might end up doing our budgeting and grocery shopping, followed by some sort of dinner out… we’ll have to see how the morning goes.
On Tuesday, I have a man coming to measure my house for fresh carpet… it has become time to remove the trappings of 1973 and get some neutral colored plush carpet upon which to wreck my special brand of havoc. More on that as it develops, but I think the “joys of home ownership” tag will be growing in the next few months as the weather becomes more conducive to outdoor work.
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