Crazy Butterfly Attack!!
Originally uploaded by dalcher.
My Dad called tonight asking me to return his dolly so he could move some furniture.
While I was getting it out of my garage, something swooped by my face. I thought it was a bird or bat or something so I freaked a little, then Tasha realized it was a butterfly. We got the dolly out of the garage, and then noticed that the butterfly had caught itself up in the plastic case that surrounded the light bulbs on my new garage door opener.
As a kid, I used to raise butterflies so I couldn’t just stand there and let this beautiful Monarch specimen be trapped, to wither and die. Besides, its our state insect. Gotta respect that.
So I got a chair and set to the business of letting him out. After a few minutes, I freed him and proceeded to exit the garage, with him fluttering all around trying to find somewhere else to land.
Then he did. RIGHT ON MY NOSE. Not only did he land there, he STAYED there long enough for Tasha to go inside and take about a dozen pictures of him on my face.
We relocated him to the hydrangea bush, and he ended up flopping his way over to the screen door. He’s been sitting there, opening and closing his wings which leads me to believe he’s a new butterfly.
They do that to exercise and dry out their wings when they get out of their cocoons, or at least that’s what my over 20 year old memories tell me.
I hope he’s safely gone tomorrow morning!
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