I started off the day by dropping a significant chunk of change on carpeting. These home repairs are getting a bit pricey, but they certainly are good to get knocked out. On my lunch hour (or the designated break period, whichever came first) I spotted a deal on Ben’s Bargains for an external hard drive.
I have been wanting one of these since I got my Eee PC, for quick and easy transport of my music collection and for easy backups of my other laptops. This spawned a mini-analysis cycle between <a href=”http://wyoming-1.livejournal.com”>wyoming_1</a> and I, which led us to compare several options. Tonight I pulled the trigger, laid down my $100 (digitally) and got <a href=”http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136295&nm_mc=AFC-Bensbargains&cm_mmc=AFC-Bensbargains-_-NA-_-NA-_-NA”>this 640GB external hard drive</a>. Pretty neat, I can’t wait for it to arrive.
My last expense was the chiropractor bill, which is a normal cost for us. That wasn’t so bad, but it did add to the overall total for the day. It’s pretty crazy spending 70% of ones monthly paycheck in one day. Some day I might have the extra disposable cash to make this a common occurrence, but it won’t be anytime soon!!
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