Well, today got off to an interesting start. I got to bed late, because I elected to stay up and tape the trim so I could paint the foyer today. Around 5 am, the rabbits simultaneously realized they could jump up the tiers of their new homes, and they did it like clockwork every 20 seconds or so for about an hour. Then, at 6:30 am Tasha’s brother called needing a ride home from work. Apparently, his normal ride flaked on him.  So groggily, I headed out to Mapleton on three hours of sleep.
I came home and slept for a few more hours, woke up, took some garbage out and vacuumed the foyer so I could paint. I grabbed some lunch with my cousin before launching into painting frenzy which left 3/4 of the foyer painted. I stopped short of heading up the stairs, since I would need to transport my ladder in to get the high area over the stairs. To make up for waking me so early, my brother-in-law showed up and cut our lawn around 3 o’clock while I dialed in to some important teleconferences at work.
After that I finished up my painting goals for the day, and now I’m relaxing for 0.05 seconds before heading to a family birthday party. When I get home I’m going to tape the trim in the connecting hallway and possibly paint that tonight.
Tomorrow should be a productive day, since I have no work to do except for my household tasks. My brother-in-law is going to assist and hopefully I should be 75% of the way there by the end of business tomorrow.
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