Interesting thing about my neighborhood… there are 10 wireless networks, 2 of which are unsecured. This is how I am able to blog to you right now, as I am sitting in the unfurnished living room of my new house!
Among the strange things the previous tenant took with them: one light switch cover, one towel rack, assorted random light bulbs, and shower curtain rods. That’s right. Shower curtain rods.
At some point this weekend I am going to have to venture out to get replacements for those things, but the major To-Do for tomorrow is to select myself a new HDTV. I am leaning towards one of the new Philips 120hz LCD TVs… it lends them to better black and less artifacting during action scenes. The trick will be whether or not I can parlay myself into severe discounts on said set. I will do the best I possibly can, but I’ve never attempted negotiating a purchase like this before.
One other thing I have noticed about this house: it was not apparent from the photos or other walkthroughs, but it seems that the majority of the light in the house was generated from floor lamps that were controlled by wall switches. Neither of the master bedrooms actually have light fixtures, which should make it for a dark evening. I am somewhat tempted to get myself some logs and have a fire tonight, but I lack my fireplace kit to clean up after it so I will probably delay that until Tasha gets here.
It’s good to own a home in Colorado! Woot!
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