I did get to sleep in just a bit this morning, before being woken up by a combination of dogs and noise from the front living room. Tasha and I met with the ol’ bloggin’ gang at One World, taking the opportunity to surprise Scarab and Debra! It was really fun and good to have the gang back together even for just a very short time.
Then, like a chump, I decided to head back to the office to get my expense report filed and attend a meeting so I could get ahead just a bit for the post-holiday week. I ended up getting out of the office right around 4 o’clock, which means I’m flexing back a few hours on the day I have to work the week of Christmas. I really have to learn when to not go to the office.
The day was rounded out by a visit to The Dukeses, where we had dinner and played a rousing session of World of Warcraft. Tomorrow I have to take my car into the shop and go to karate, but those are the only two things on the docket! Woot, vacation!
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