Missed out on my blog post to start out December because we spent most of the evening getting new cell phones! Tasha and I both ended up with new Samsung Aliases. We talked the guy down to getting the phones for $50 apiece (after mail-in rebate) and our numbers and plan stays the same. These phones are cool because they flip open like a normal clamshell and also open like one of those widescreen texting phones… pretty slick.
Tomorrow I’m heading to the dojo after work to hopefully get to meet Sensei Yaguchi for the first time, so I’m pretty excited. I’m going to take special care to get out of the office on time so I have plenty of time to get over to the dojo and hopefully not get a parking ticket like I did last time.
Last, but certainly not least, belated Happy Birthday wishes go out to my Dad! Happy Birthday Dad!!
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