I woke up with enough soreness in my lats that I elected to stay home from karate tonight, I tested myself a bit during the day by throwing a few punches and blocks and found my range of motion with my right arm was so hindered that I found it best not to push it.
So I stayed home and installed Easy Peasy v1.0 on my Eee PC.
Installation went very smoothly, the only near hangup was trying to decide what partitioning setting to use. Everything else was dead simple.
First, the annoying things:
After I installed successfully, I restarted the system and was greeted by… the installation prompt again? I cancelled out of it and went about my business.
The first thing I tried out was Skype, and I found no audio. I tried some testing sounds from the OS, and I could hear them VERY faintly.
It seems that both of these were known issues, and once I thought to check the forums my problems were quickly solved.
The other annoyance was the freaking logo. The guy that runs Easy Peasy went through a labor intensive process of rebranding his OS (previously Ubuntu Eee) to Easy Peasy. I found the name… well… very stupid, but someone came up with a somewhat charming lemon logo and theme to go along with it.
They remastered the logo VERY poorly for the background, and it came complete with jagged edges and poor masking that doesn’t make it look smooth or nice at all on the brown background color.
If you took all the time rebrand your operating system to something silly, hold a huge contest to select a logo for a prize, and then capture it that way for the main background of your OS, you fail at life. Out of the pool.
The Good Stuff
Once those settings were fixed (I changed the background to a different stock Ubuntu background), I found the Operating System extremely good. Its solid, the camera quality seems better in Skype this go around, and my wireless Internet came up immediately!
For Linux, that is a real accomplishment. Newer, fresher versions of the applications I like is always nice, and I think I’ll be happy in this stupidly named Operating System.
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