Tonight was visit #2 to the Louisville Gym, of which I am now a member! I started out with our standard warmup, which was a 20 minute stationary bike ride. I ended up doing 5.56 miles in 20 minutes, which isn’t that bad for me.
Next, we hit the weights. Learning from past mistakes, I took it much easier on the weight (embarassingly so in some cases) and did four sets of 15 repetitions apiece. The only area I didn’t take it as easy was the leg press, which I upped to 150 lbs. That was somewhat easy, I have a feeling karate has lent me to strong legs over the years. That being said, I am woefully inadequate at the bench press machine… I started out with a puny 50 lbs, and after my first two sets I had to back it down to 37 lbs. I figure so long as it’s burning but not hurting and I can keep good form, that’s the right weight to be at.
We ended the workout with a visit to the abs station, where we used one of those head cage dealies to isolate the upper abs. For some reason this was a lot more difficult than our standard karate fare, I did 20 standard crunches, 20 with my knees to the left, 20 standard, 20 with my knees to the right, and wrapped up with 20 Japanese situps.
I was tired after this workout, but not blown out. I think we’re planning on another visit on Wednesday… I’m going to have to ask them if they have a general purpose room or a raquetball court I can rent in order to get some karate workouts done there when the weather is bad or we feel like a different warmup. My team leader has expressed an interest in mixing up the workout to include some karate, so I’m going to do that soon!
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