Today was the first day of our Belbin Team Accelerator class. I was surprised (and pleased) that it is very activity-based training, so at least I’m able to stay awake. I have actually received a considerable amount of value out of this class so far. The course focuses on identifying the barriers of team success and identifies your specific talents that can define your ideal role within a team.
Before the class, we gave a survey to our teammates which helped place us into functional roles. I found out that I tend to fall into the Belbin Team Inventory roles of Plant, Specialist, and Teamworker. Essentially, that means I am creative and focused on excelling in my selected field. I’m also pretty decent at keeping a team moving forward. My weak suits are Shaper and Implementor, which means I’m not great at driving project progress forward or as much of a “do-er”.
Later on this week we’ll be learning how to work better within our functional teams. Fun stuff!
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