Today is that manufactured holiday of love, Valentine’s Day! I had to go to the chiropractors this morning, so we went to breakfast at our favorite Denny’s by our house. We then came back and took a remarkably long nap. We are about to execute our normal Valentine’s tradition of ordering food out (this year its Pizza Hut) and watching movies.
After several years of attempting to have a nice dinner out, only to be frustrated by no restaurant availability and too many people being around we created this tradition. It’s nice because it lets us spend time together, and that is a better thing to do than buy overpriced meals and get hassled by frantic people too caught up in the holiday.
I’m a really lucky guy to have a great girl like Tasha, and I don’t like to constrain a single day in the middle of winter to tell her how much I love her! Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone back in Peoria, I hope you’re having as good of a day as we are out here on the Front Range!
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