Here’s the answers!
What male actor has appeared in the most $100 million grossing movies?
A.) This one Tasha and I were the only ones to get it correct. The answer was Tom Hanks. A lot of people guessed Tom Cruise, but no. It is The Hanks.
Which Peanuts character wears glasses?
A.) Marcie. Tasha figured this one out, I would’ve failed miserably.
Which planet is circled by the moon named Ganymede?
A.) Jupiter, via the process of elimination.
How many times has Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France?
A.) We actually got this one wrong, but the answer is seven.
Known as an icosahedron, how many sides does the shape has that provides the answers on a Magic 8 ball have?
A.) This was a contentious question… Tasha and I remembered that the shape formed a triangle, which led us to answer 20. The guy doing the scoring had the right answer as 18, which is CLEARLY WRONG. We lost points, but we gained extra honor for knowing the right answer due to our dice bags.
We really like doing Wednesday night trivia, it gives us a fun night out and a really good dinner. I may just make this a habit of posting our favorite questions when we go. Good stuff!
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