Thursday night I mustered up enough energy to go to the Denver dojo and train. It was an interesting class, which saw Sensei Yaguchi lead the class through combinations involving sanchin-dachi, hangetsu-dachi, and cat stance. At one point my left hamstring cramped up in cat stance, which lead me to stand out for a second and stretch out the cramp prior to jumping back into the mix.
We worked on kata, focusing on Bassai Dai, Jion, Empi, and Sochin. It was a good workout and I’m glad I went!
Saturday afternoon found me at the Louisville Rec Center, where my team lead and I elected to get an extra karate workout in. Thankfully, their exercise room goes vacant on Saturdays, and we took it over for a basic workout involving kihon, Heian Shodan, and some 3 time partner drillls. An hour and a half went by without us even noticing it, and by the end I was pretty sweaty and tired!
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