Today has been a good day all the way around. I got a lot done today at the office, I confirmed the existence of the McGangbang in the wild, came home to find my new iPod touch had arrived, and finished off the night with the rousing finale to our mini-D&D campaign.
I should probably explain the McGangbang thing. You see, my good buddy Eric forwarded me the above link and swore that it was a real thing and most McDonalds would know what you were talking about if you ordered one. Today I had the misfortune of finding that the lunchmeat that I had brough was spoiled, so I went to McDonald’s. They weren’t very busy at the Drive Thru, so I asked the guy “if I were to ask you for a McGangbang, would you know what I was asking about?”
He looked at me and said: “Wait, what? You’re asking me about THE McDonald’s Gangbang? HELL YEAH!” Confirmation doesn’t get more clear than that from a 16 year old minimum wage employee. So that was fun!
That’s all for me right now, I’m going to go and play with my new iPod for awhile.
Also, my parents sent Tasha and I our birthday presents today. They actually found me charcoal filters for my butt. Will wonders never cease?
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