Last night I ended up at Texas Roadhouse with my family, where I unexpectedly ran into Oedewaldt-san and his lovely girlfriend. I was shocked and amazed to find out that I HAVE A READER and she found my blog as they began dating by Googling his name. I was momentarily concerned that I had said something bad or inflammatory about him, but I was assured that she hadn’t found those posts (yet). Not that there’s much bad to say, that is. Except for where he’s buried the bodies. 🙂 She also informed me that the quality of my blog has been suffering lately (she’s right), so I figured I could improve her opinion of me if I mentioned how awesome she is.
I had a steak the size of my head, which is the reason for this blog. I think I’m still full from it. *groan*
Tonight I’m hanging out in the fetid bowels of my cousin’s apartment. Tomorrow morning I will be flying out via Chicago (including a two-hour layover) because my direct flight to Denver was canceled due to the threat of snow. The upside is that I get to fly on a Boeing 747 (the biggest plane I’ve ridden in yet) and I get to be in O’Hare for awhile. That’s all from me right now!
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